Jamestown Public Library
North Carolina - Established 1988
Computer/Internet Usage Agreement
To use the library's computer/internet (wired or wifi) you must agree to the following rules.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in revocation of computer privileges and eviction from the library.
1. I will not use the Internet for illegal or unethical purposes.
2. I will not send, receive or display materials on any computer, including text or graphics, which may be considered inappropriate for public viewing (pornographic or obscene).
3. I will not attempt to access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others.
4. I will pay 15 cents for each page that I print (whether intended or not).
5. I understand that I may use my assigned library computer for one hour, unless there are no other patrons waiting to use a computer.
Other Computer Usage Guidelines:
No cell phone use in the computer lab.
No food or drink around or near computers.
Please keep conversations to a minimum or a lower level to reduce library noise.
To use the Internet without an adult present, a child must be 13 years old and be listed on parent/guardian account.
Younger children must be be supervised by an adult.