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eBooks & eMaterials

All available eBooks & Magazines, eAudiobooks, and streaming videos can be

searched and found using our eMaterial websites.





                                      Ages: All                                  Ages: Pre-K - 4th grade

eBooks & Magazines

eBooks and magazines for children, teens, and adults can be downloaded and viewed on any of the following devices:

  • Computers

  • eReaders (ex. Kindles, Nooks)

  • Tablets, I-Pads

  • Smart Phones

The Libby App and the Kindle App are used to download and view eBooks.  They can be downloaded to your specific device using your device's store, or the links below.








Please see the how-to videos below for more information on how to access the eBooks website, download the appropriate apps, and download and view materials.

Kindle App
Anchor 5
Anchor 6


eAudiobooks can be checked out and downloaded on any smart device that has sound capabilities.  


However, eAudiobooks only work using the Libby App and will not work using the Kindle Reader App.

Streaming Videos & Periodicals

Streaming videos are available for viewing on any smart device that has video and sound capabilties.


Some of our popular magazines are now available for viewing through our e-material website. 

Anchor 7
E-Material Lending Policies


Patrons are allowed 4 total checkouts through the

e-material website for either 2 or 3 weeks (this can be changed in the settings, see the How To videos to the left).


Returning & Renewals

E-materials automatically are returned to the library when the materials are due.  


You will receive an email letting you know of an item getting ready to expire and will have the option to renew if it has not been requested by another patron.



E-materials can be placed on hold and you will be notified by email when they are ready for checkout. There is also an automatic checkout option avaialble.

Jamestown Public Library


Mailing Address:

PO Box 1437

Jamestown, NC 27282

© 2015 by By Jamestown Public Library

200 W. Main Street

Jamestown, NC 27282


Phone: (336) 454-4815

Fax: (336) 454-0630


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